By Carol Stilz, author
1. Can you get information on the topic of interest elsewhere on the Internet or from a book? Compare cost and time. One advantage to an online class you take at your pace is you can control the time. The disadvantage is often the cost.
2. Where can you look for information on your topic?
• Do a global search using " " marks to specify exactly what you want.
• Check self-publishing sites such as Amazon Create Space, Book Baby, Outskirts, etc. Often their free guides contain enough information to provide an introduction to the subject.
• Check the instructor's website for blogs that may cover some of the material you want from the class.
• Check libraries and Amazon for books on the subject. For e-books download the free sample chapters that often include a table of contents.
3. Is the instruction geared to your level of knowledge on the subject or genre?
4. Can you download lectures, video, power points, audio, Q & A sessions?
5. Is your computer software up to date and able to handle the online class?
• Check virus and firewall protection.
• Update browser.
• Update or install Adobe Flash player, QuickTime, or other programs necessary.
• Have a compatible video/audio program for downloads.
• Have a notebook handy with the support phone number or email just in case you have trouble.
6. Will you have one-on-one time with the instructor? This time may be through
an online Q&A, email, a tab on the course page,
7. Is a critique or offer to query, or both, included with the course fee?
8. Will this critique or query go to the agent or editor, or to an intern or reader?
9. Will the course offer an opportunity to network with other writers or offer an online critique group after the course is completed?
10. Will the course materials be available for 30 days after the class ends?
11. Can you use a tablet one day and a laptop another day? Do you need an app to use your phone for a class session?
12. Is this course unique? If so, this may justify the expense.
Of course, check the credentials of the instructor. Vet those agents. Also check for coupons, discounts, and offers that may give you a price break.
May the course be for you!

The Blue Sage Writers of Idaho is a loosely organized group comprised of both published and unpublished writers. The group meets once a month to share tips, tricks, camaraderie and to critique each other's work. We are not accepting new members at this time but are happy to have authors or beginning writers visit twice.
"It's impossible to discourage the real writers; they don't give a damn what you say." Sinclair Lewis
Monday, June 6, 2016
Friday, May 20, 2016
CONFLICT and MOTIVATION - by Sherry Roseberry
To my way of thinking, an excellent story plot is a blend of idea, characterization, conflict, motivation and emotion. Any writer worth her salt strives for a perfect mixture. Although, many fail to reach that end.
Some brew wonderful concepts that even Steven Spielberg would be proud to call his own. But, their characters are unsympathetic.
Others write characters to die for, however, the main threads and final wrap up are a little weak.
We’ve all read books that have deep storylines where we did not bond with the heroine and we wanted to slap the hero. Above all, great characterization is what sells books.
Most of us see conflict and motivation as a sheer cliff we must climb. It is not paramount that a writer comes up with something so complex and intertwined that even she/he has a hard time keeping track of everything. You know the ones....
The heroine's granddaughter married the hero’s grandfather’s butler who stole the crown jewels and shared the stash with his bride instead of the ex-employer, who is in reality a baby stolen from the gypsies because the Duchess was barren and now, unbeknown to the hero, he is next in line to be the new King of the Gypsies and is about to be kidnapped. Phew! Unless of course you’re hoping to win the Pulitzer Prize.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Use something simple. Example: she hates small towns because she’d been teased/outcast all her life/ridiculed by small minded people/has gone without. She lives for the adventure of being a big city news correspondent.
He has had it with the hustle and bustle of life as a big city doctor. He feels people have lost their compassion for their fellow man. He finds his haven in Small-Town America.
Bingo! Conflict and motivation.
To make things interesting, throw in a few twists and turns such as she inherited the town from an eccentric uncle. She decides she wants to raze some old buildings and replace them with a money making shopping mall. He’s already in the process of turning the classic structures into a clinic and claims to have bought them from her Uncle before his death.
Not complicated.
It’s like cars. Think of plot lines as the nuts and bolts that hold the body together. Conflict is the engine. Characterization is the chrome-bedecked chassis and motivation the super-duper, steel-belted, road-hugging tires. Now, you have the car of your dreams. Well, almost. You need one more element to make it run. Fuel. And fuel is the emotion. Without it, this baby isn’t going anywhere. With it, she’ll purr like nobody’s business. And an editor will gladly throw money your way. To top it all off, you’ll keep those readers engaged to the very last page, dying for more.
To my way of thinking, an excellent story plot is a blend of idea, characterization, conflict, motivation and emotion. Any writer worth her salt strives for a perfect mixture. Although, many fail to reach that end.
Some brew wonderful concepts that even Steven Spielberg would be proud to call his own. But, their characters are unsympathetic.
Others write characters to die for, however, the main threads and final wrap up are a little weak.
We’ve all read books that have deep storylines where we did not bond with the heroine and we wanted to slap the hero. Above all, great characterization is what sells books.
Most of us see conflict and motivation as a sheer cliff we must climb. It is not paramount that a writer comes up with something so complex and intertwined that even she/he has a hard time keeping track of everything. You know the ones....
The heroine's granddaughter married the hero’s grandfather’s butler who stole the crown jewels and shared the stash with his bride instead of the ex-employer, who is in reality a baby stolen from the gypsies because the Duchess was barren and now, unbeknown to the hero, he is next in line to be the new King of the Gypsies and is about to be kidnapped. Phew! Unless of course you’re hoping to win the Pulitzer Prize.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Use something simple. Example: she hates small towns because she’d been teased/outcast all her life/ridiculed by small minded people/has gone without. She lives for the adventure of being a big city news correspondent.
He has had it with the hustle and bustle of life as a big city doctor. He feels people have lost their compassion for their fellow man. He finds his haven in Small-Town America.
Bingo! Conflict and motivation.
To make things interesting, throw in a few twists and turns such as she inherited the town from an eccentric uncle. She decides she wants to raze some old buildings and replace them with a money making shopping mall. He’s already in the process of turning the classic structures into a clinic and claims to have bought them from her Uncle before his death.
Not complicated.
It’s like cars. Think of plot lines as the nuts and bolts that hold the body together. Conflict is the engine. Characterization is the chrome-bedecked chassis and motivation the super-duper, steel-belted, road-hugging tires. Now, you have the car of your dreams. Well, almost. You need one more element to make it run. Fuel. And fuel is the emotion. Without it, this baby isn’t going anywhere. With it, she’ll purr like nobody’s business. And an editor will gladly throw money your way. To top it all off, you’ll keep those readers engaged to the very last page, dying for more.
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